Takako Inoue is an ethnomusicologist and a resercher of Indian culture and history. Learning Karnatak (South Indian Classical) vocal music in the University of Delhi, she continues not only research but also performance. Her publications: Kindai Indo ni okeru Ongakugaku to Geino no Henyo (Transformation of Musicology and Performing Arts in Modern India, 2006) etc. She is also an editor of Social Transformation and Cultural Change in South Asia (2016). Her publications are including wide range of topics on Indian culture, media and gender issues.
E-mail: itakako_at_ic.daito.ac.jp

Relevant Publications
井上貴子「歌う会衆―教会・聖歌・礼拝―」粟屋利江・井坂理穂・井上貴子編『現代インド5 周縁からの声』東京大学出版会、2015年、79-101頁、査読無。
Inoue,Takako “Comparative Aspects of Christian Music in India, China, and Russia: Missionaries and Natives as Intermediary Actors in the Contact Zone.” In: Tetsuo Mochizuki and Shiho Maeda eds. India, Russia, China: Comparative Studies on Eurasian Culture and Society, Comparative Studies on Regional Powers No.11, 2012, pp.43-64
